We frequently hear critics argue that U.S. students can’t write well and that there is a “literacy crisis” in the U.S. What is the origin of these discourses? What do they have to do with immigration, national security, and economics? How does the notion that Americans can’t write drive the national push to test writing? Here we explore the history of writing and testing in the U.S., the “science” and technology of testing approaches, and how the rhetoric of assessment impacts the lives of Americans today.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Short Ex-Amish Video

I just thought this was funny! They do a pro/con list in this short video of why they shouldn't or should stay Amish. It's just another view to think about as we move away from the Amish onto another topic in class!

Video Link:


1 comment:

Paige Anderson said...

I was looking at a lot of different videos about the Amish on YouTube tonight. It's really interesting to see the different views of the Amish community that different members have. I watched a clip where some of the teenagers were having their "fling" with the outside world... some of them chose to leave the community and some chose to return at the end. I think the most shocking thing to me is that those who leave are shunned by their family and friends.